Pawsitively Holistic: Your Guide to Pet Wellness

Finding Peace When Losing a Beloved Pet

Finding Peace When Losing a Beloved Pet

April 07, 20247 min read

Laura Muzal

Finding Peace When Losing a Beloved Pet

Losing a pet is one of the most profoundly difficult and heartbreaking experiences a pet parent can go through. The deep companionship, unconditional love, and sacred bond we share with our furry, feathered, or scaled family members makes their passing feel like losing an integral part of ourselves. When I lost my sweet corgi Millie in February 2023, the grief was overwhelming and all-consuming.


The emptiness in the house without her cheerful greetings and wagging stump of a tail to greet me. Everywhere I looked, there were reminders of her presence - the little nose prints on my car window, clumps of her fur scattered around the house, her empty food and water bowls. All of these were constant, visceral reminders of the Millie-sized hole she left behind when she passed. Even now, over a year later, I sometimes still expect her to bark when I use the garbage disposal. Over time, I started to heal and accept the loss, but grieving the absence of a pet's physical presence and unconditional love in your daily life is a challenging process. It takes patience and self-compassion to navigate through the sorrow.

Embracing Grief with Compassion

If you've recently lost a pet, please know that you aren't alone in this deep sadness. As time passes, the overwhelming waves of grief start to ebb away, gradually replaced by cherished memories that bring a bit of comfort. Even though it might feel impossible right now, the happiness and love your pet brought into your life continue to shine through, even amidst the ache of their absence.

When Millie left us, grief hit me hard, like crashing waves I never expected. But in the midst of tears and heartache, I found some comfort knowing that my grief was a testament to the special bond we shared. It's okay to feel lost, angry, or numb – each emotion is a part of the healing journey, weaving together to create a tapestry of love that lasts beyond time and space.

To offer some comfort and guidance during this challenging time, here are a few holistic tips that personally helped me, and I hope they might do the same for you:

Finding Comfort in Rituals and Practices

Creating a memorial ceremony, ritual, or tradition to celebrate your pet's one-of-a-kind spirit can be an incredibly therapeutic and meaningful way to process your loss.

This could involve planting a tree adorned with a commemorative plaque in their honor, holding a private backyard "burial" ceremony to return their ashes or fur clipping to the earth, crafting a photo "altar" adorned with their ashes/fur clipping and precious mementos in a special area of your home, donating a monetary gift to an animal charity they'd appreciate in their name, or commissioning a custom piece of artwork or jewelry encapsulating their unique essence.


For me, the idea of having a custom portrait and paw print took me a while to be okay with, but now, I'm so glad to have these reminders of her. Each person's journey through grief is unique, so finding what resonates with you is important. And if you're looking for inspiration or connection, consider reaching out to others who have experienced similar loss, like through communities on social media platforms or connecting with grief support groups.

Journaling and Self-Care

When words just don't seem to be enough to capture the depth of the bond you shared with your pet, sometimes just sitting down and journaling freely about them can be incredibly comforting. It's like a way to pour out all those swirling thoughts and emotions onto paper, giving you a sense of clarity and release.

And don't underestimate the power of taking care of yourself during this time. Simple things like going for a walk in nature, doing some deep breathing exercises, practicing gentle movement, or even just taking a long, soothing bath can provide those much-needed moments of respite amidst the pain of grief.

Animal Communication

Peace in Passing

While I yearned to reach out and communicate with Millie's spirit directly, the pain was just too raw and overwhelming for me to connect clearly myself. That's when I decided to seek help from an experienced animal communicator who could help bridge that gap between us energetically. Through this connection, I was able to say my final goodbyes, receive comforting reassurance that Millie was at peace, and even ask some lingering questions about her journey beyond. It was an incredibly profound experience that brought me a sense of closure and healing during those difficult days of grieving.

In particular, the book "Peace in Passing" was especially helpful for me during this time, offering insights and guidance that resonated deeply with my own journey through loss and healing.

Energy Healing

Whether you seek the guidance of a seasoned practitioner or explore self-guided energy healing methods, practices like Reiki, pranic healing, or other forms of energy work can be incredibly beneficial in restoring a sense of balance and lightening the emotional weight of grief. For me, practicing energy healing on myself became a comforting way to alleviate my grief and ease the burden of guilt I carried after Millie's passing.

If there are other pets in the house grieving as well, I've found that incorporating gentle energy healing practices into their routine can provide comfort and support during this challenging time. I even created a subliminal energy healing video specifically designed to ease grief and loss for pets, which can be incredibly helpful in soothing their pain as they adjust to the loss of their furry family member.

Navigating the Journey Towards Healing

No matter how long it takes to feel grounded and at peace again, be patient and kind to yourself as you process this incredibly challenging life transition. Drawing on holistic practices as a complementary approach gave me helpful tools to gently navigate my deep sadness over losing my Millie. Though I'll forever miss her sweet (and sometimes sassy), intuitive, and charismatic nature, I'm comforted knowing her beautiful spirit and loving impact lives on. Our animal companions may only grace our lives for a temporary season, but they leave permanent paw prints of cherished memory on our hearts.

Healing is not a destination; it's a winding journey that unfolds at its own pace. Some days, the pain feels unbearable and the tears flow freely. Other days, the sun breaks through and laughter bubbles up as sweet memories overcome the heartache. While the pain of loss may never fully fade, it does soften over time, making room for love, joy and a renewed sense of healing.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on this journey of navigating Millie's passing, I'm profoundly thankful for the support I've received along the way. Though Millie's physical form is no longer by my side, her spirit lives on - in nature's whispers, in the rustle of the leaves, in the fond memories tucked in my heart. In the midst of profound loss, we can still find glimpses of light, feel the warmth of love, and discover ways to honor our beloved animal companions' legacies in healing and beautiful ways. Millie will always hold a special place within me; it's not goodbye, but see you later. To anyone experiencing a similar loss, may you find solace in the love and memories shared with your cherished companion, knowing they will forever remain in your heart.


Have More Questions or Need Personalized Pet Care Advice?

If you have additional questions or need personalized guidance for your beloved pet, I'm here to help. Book a call with me, and let's discuss how to best care for your furry friend. Your pet's well-being is my priority, and I'm dedicated to providing the support and expertise you need. Click here to schedule your consultation today. Together, we can ensure your pet leads a happy, healthy life.

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Laura Muzal

Laura is a passionate Holistic Intuitive Animal Practitioner and Animal Wellness Expert. She is dedicated to enhancing the lives of your furry companions through a blend of expertise, science, and intuition. With a solid foundation as a Wildlife Biologist, she brings a unique and insightful perspective to the realm of animal care. Please note that Laura is not a veterinarian, and her expertise does not include diagnosis. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian for medical concerns regarding your pets.

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